COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Over the weekend the NHS announced they would be writing to eligible patients, currently the over 70’s, to invite them to book in for a Covid vaccination at a mass vaccination site.
This has caused some confusion for patients who thought they should not be travelling outside of their area, and also would be getting the vaccine from their own GP.
The NHS are trying to roll the vaccine out as quickly as possible, hence mass vaccination centres and pharmacies also offering the vaccine in the coming weeks/months.
Patients who are currently eligible will have a choice where to be vaccinated:
– Either at BHI Parkside/Davenal House or Stoke PriorĀ  after being contacted directly by the surgery in the next few weeks. We will be contacting eligible patients from tomorrow and over the next few weeks, as deliveries arrive.
– or
– By travelling to the nearest mass vaccination centre available (the nearest centre at the moment is at Millennium Point, Birmingham), after following the instructions on their letter explaining how to book via NHS 119. We do not know how long the wait is or when their deliveries will be, so please do not call the surgery to ask this.
We hope this helps clarify any confusion caused and would be grateful if you could pass this information on to relatives/friends who can help reassure anyone who has received one of these letters.
Thank you.